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#1 2018-02-27 21:20:13

New member
Registered: 2017-04-10
Posts: 6

NEW Story album!! (debut album)

Hey guys!! So, I'm very excited to announce that I'll be releasing a new EP under the name Story! This project is basically Prog meets Singer/Songwriter - I've always been a huge fan of 70's Prog guys like Genesis, Yes, Rush, etc. but I've also always loved artists like Ben Folds, Imogen Heap and Tears For Fears, just to name a few of my non-prog influences. I used to release music under the name "onevoice" (music here: but now I've moved on to a new project where the music has made it into the studio - I've worked with an incredible team for this album and I promise it will not disappoint! Now, I'm asking for donations and they would be so incredibly appreciated!! I've just started an Indiegogo campaign and will be asking for help making this record sound and look as incredible as possible. I'm determined to make this the best work I've ever released and any help in funding this thing would be so so so incredibly appreciated! You can listen to demos on the Indiegogo page and hear about the concept behind the music in the video on the page! Thanks again so much people, any contributions or sharing of this link would make me beyond happy big_smile <3


Much love,
Dan "Ello" Costello



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