Hi Folks
A quick update on things GUY MANNING related....
It has been quiet here on the website for a while, but behind the scenes, I am writing lots of new material
Some of this is already earmarked for the next UPF album (working title "Planetary Overload"), which is due 2016 and as for the rest? Well I am not sure...
It maybe that I start a brand new Project where I will invite guests to work / collaborate with me, where I will not be the only singer/writer etc.
Some of my trusted MANNING musicians / friends will of course still be featured!
So it is very unlikely at this time, that there will be another MANNING album (ever) or in fact, any other new release in 2015 from me...but never say never...things may yet change!
Maybe a rest from the annual releasing schedule is now called for?
However, there are already 33 new pieces in the demos catalogue! Most of these tunes are quite different I think from the more traditional MANNING album material and some I am now rather fond of!
Demos so far with WIP lyrics:
(Plenty of others where these are yet to be added)
1. The Crawler
2. Nanabohzo and the Rainbow
3. Big Eastern Pt I - Cruel Skies
4. Big Eastern Pt II - The Shaking Earth
5. Skyboat
6. Heaven Song Pt I - The Cosmic Score
7. Big Parade
8. Mountain of Sky
9. Believer-Redeemer
10. The Crossing
11. Oil over Arabia
12. Ragusa
13. Long Time, Shadow Falls
14. Americana
I will continue to keep you up to date with news titbits...so, untl next time
Be well, take care ...Guy xx