Lately I have had to endure quite a few personal or libellous attacks online from reviewers and their cronies....(usual for post album release time actually).
It made me quite sad to think that (as the title implies) people do seem to get away with a lot these days in I am proving that very point I guess...any old idiot...
However, if you write in to defend yourself, then you invite the "pack" to turn on you even more to stir up the trouble some self righteous 'jihad'.
It is indeed hard (for me at least) to watch unfair or untrue things being said about me with a sense of impotent fury at the injustice but what can you do?
It seems that the "innocent until proven guilty" premise is not of importance to some sites now!
I write songs, I make is fun! I release them on a small indie label and some people buy them, alot of people pirate them and then, eventually, they get to be criticised on the Net/Mags...before being forgotten about...a typical normal lifecycle.
So all you reviewers out there...whether you like the album or hate it (and you are of course free to pass your opinions along) ...please do me a favour, OK?
1. Stick to the music and not personal/libellous attacks
2. Include only factually accurate text, no wild speculations or mis-interpretations (you can email me if you are unsure about something)
3. Try to be constructive, even if its a negative review
Thanks, appreciated