1. The newly repackaged "10th Anniversary Editions" of 4 MANNING albums are now ready to pre-order at BURNSIDE (www.guymanning.com).
"Tall Stories For Small Children" - Remastered with a Bonus Track.
"The Cure"- Remastered with a Bonus Track.
"One Small Step..." - Remastered with a Bonus Track.
"Songs From The Bilston House"- Includes a Bonus Track.
All are being released on the Festival Music (F2) label.
2. We are nervously watching the skies as the UK airports start to re-open today, hoping for a prevailing wind and no more ash from Iceland! We are due to arrive in the USA mid next week to attend /perform at RoSFest. . .. fingers, toes and eyes are firmly crossed.
More soon
Have fun at RoSfest, Guy!! I bet you'll make it over there!
Say hello to George and Krista!
Apparently there's still ash, but its now safe to fly through. "Wrong type of ash" sounds more like a rail company excuse!