Hi guys,
Just thought I would drop a note here on some news concerning the forthcoming Klotet album. It will be called "Det har aldrig hänt och kommer aldrig hända igen" (which is swedish for "it has never happened and will never happen again"), and will be released once again by Musea records in France. As far as the releasedate is concerned, it is far too early to say anything with confidence, but Musea are planning for a February 2010 release. My experience with this is that you'll have to wait a couple of more months than that, but who knows... we'll hope for the best! There are two songs from the album available at our myspace, one in the music player called "Falska pengar" ("false money", "money forgery" or something like that) and one in the form of a video, called "Sket man väl i" (would probably translate to "I don't give a shit"). That one is also posted on this forum I believe... Hope you enjoy them!
As far as gigs are concerned, we still haven't managed to get abroad to spread our message of love, so please let us know if you have any offers or tips. Or get your butts over here and we'll play for you and hang out!
Thanks for the wonderful support!
take care,
Thanks for the update. Now listening to Falska pengar, and I like it !
And February isn't really that far away