Hello HFMC Friends!
We hope you are all enjoying your copy of HFMC's new album FuturePast. If you haven't bought one yet make sure you visit the website and read some fantastic reviews of the album as well as check out the new updated site. If you have bought a copy thank you!! Now encourage all your friends to buy one as well It's not too late for Christmas! Okay maybe it is...but what a great New Year's present!
Also, exciting news! Hasse and the gang are already lining up tour dates for 2011! So far they are all in Europe but here's hoping they come and play a festival in the US. The dates so far are:
27/1-11 John Dee/ Oslo-N
26/2-11 Musikens hus GTB-SWE
27/2-11 Into Music/ Lund-SWE
1/3-11 Bergkeller/ Reichenbach- DE
2/3-11 Spirit of 66/ Verviers-B
4/3-11 de Boerderij/ Zoetermeer-NL
More dates and more info coming soon!! Thanks to all for your support.
From everyone involved with HFMC we want to wish you a very Merry and a very safe Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Here's the new promo video...