(I had originally sent an email to the address listed on your Myspace, but it appears that email address is no longer active. This is the same message as the one in the email I had attempted to send)
Hello Klotet! I am contacting you guys on behalf of Prog Sphere, an up-and-coming interview/review blogzine (soon to have it's own domain apart from Blogspot) and we would love it if you guys would do an interview with us.http://prog-sphere.blogspot.com/ - This is our blog so far. As you can see we have interviewed Andy Tillison (and Jonathan Barrett) of The Tangent. We will also soon post our interviews of Nad Sylvan of Agents of Mercy as well as Guy Manning of, well.. Manning. We also have a few more on the way.
Let me just say that I'm a huge fan of your music, and I have been listening to your two albums almost constantly since I discovered them (which was a short amount of time after the second was released, I believe).
Anyway, I look forward to hearing back from you guys!