hey all- just wondering if anybody knows where i could find some guitar and or bass tabs. ive been looking for a while and havent found much of anything. thanks!
You mean tabs of beardfish? I'd love some too but it seems to be quite difficult to get the tabs of bands that aren't currently riding the charts
I would love some beardfish tabs though (and also some Frost* tabs. check them out!)
Yea, beardfish tabs or any sheet music really would be the most epic thing ever. maybe Rikard will give em to me as a birthday present?
I've been looking for them too, but I suppose you'll just have to find them out by yourself...
Damn, I've been wanting some tabs too. I'm gunna try and figure some out, but I dunno how I'll go. Maybe if Rikard could come in here and give us a hand...
I may have a go at doing some scores for some stuff.... i don't play guitar so tab is out of the question.
I'll have to get Sibelius (music notation software) I think... that'll help!!!!!!
It may take sometime as we have 2 6month old babies to look after... so time is precious these days!!!! ;-)
I think I can write a Guitar Pro tab for Cashflow, I've played it countless times!
hi babes! I am new to the forum but have been into Beardfish for some months now. I'm not a great musician, but I'm also looking for lyrics and tabs.
I have never written a complete tab in my life, but with a bit of help, i might be able to write down some of the more simple songs if I've got the time.
Is the lyrics for "Från en plats du kan ej se" present in the booklet of the CD? It's the only CD I haven't got yet and I started to write down the lyrics - but if it is in the booklet of the CD i should probably save myself the work of writing it down as my swedish is pretty mediocre (I'm norwegian).
The tabs for that song (at least most of it) should be withing my scope if i could find the time for it.
Have anyone found any tabs at all for this great band?
rubendw wrote:
Is the lyrics for "Från en plats du kan ej se" present in the booklet of the CD?
No lyrics in my 2003 release, however the lyrics are on the official website!
Hey, I'm somewhere near the end of writing the Cashflow tab, and just noticed that the bass seems to go all the freakin' way down to a D around 3:40 of the song, and onwards But it doesn't sound like the bass is in drop D tuning otherwise in the song. How did you do this one guys?
it's just a D on the 5th fret of the A string actually (as far as I know, maybe Rob can clear it up?) I remember him using an octave pedal in the past but I don't think he used one on the SIT2 recording - Robert begins on the A string and then he plays a low E and a low F# so that might be why it sounds like he's beginning with a low D...
Would love to see the tab later! Cheers
*Dries sweat off forehead*
The tab for Cashflow is finished, and I feel happy with it. In the instrument called "Second keyboard" there's some things that I partially had to guess because it's hard to hear the background rhythm at some places (Rikard can probably correct these if he feels like it). If you hear some things that sound weird, it's most likely because some things I've guessed at appear louder than they do in the song, and I found it hard to really.. pick the right instruments for the appropriate sounds. I wanted the tab to sound good too, even if it says it's another effect or keyboard than it really is.
I recommend not using RSE (real sound engine). If you haven't optimized your audio settings for it, it will all be out of sync, and even if you have, it will sound overwhelming with the drums and all. It sounds nice and fits the style with RSE turned off.
Excited to hear what you think of it, fellow beardlings!
StagInsanity wrote:
*Dries sweat off forehead*
The tab for Cashflow is finished, and I feel happy with it. In the instrument called "Second keyboard" there's some things that I partially had to guess because it's hard to hear the background rhythm at some places (Rikard can probably correct these if he feels like it). If you hear some things that sound weird, it's most likely because some things I've guessed at appear louder than they do in the song, and I found it hard to really.. pick the right instruments for the appropriate sounds. I wanted the tab to sound good too, even if it says it's another effect or keyboard than it really is.
I recommend not using RSE (real sound engine). If you haven't optimized your audio settings for it, it will all be out of sync, and even if you have, it will sound overwhelming with the drums and all. It sounds nice and fits the style with RSE turned off.
Excited to hear what you think of it, fellow beardlings!
Thanks a lot, but I don't suppose there's a non-GP version? I don't have guitar pro.
There doesn't seem to be any ways to convert it from gp5 to powertab, if that's what you're thinking of. I'm afraid it would take ages to redo it for powertab, but you can however download guitar pro 5 pretty much everywhere,, uhum, the trial.. of course. I think it gives you 15 days to use guitar pro for free (unless you *cough*buy itatleastpiracyislegalinswedenIthink..) It's an extremely handy software though, and I recommend it.