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#1 2009-04-29 07:55:02

Registered: 2008-07-03
Posts: 111

MANNING - the debut gig for the CRS

There has not been much reported as yet about our debut on Saturday so I thought I would offer some musings

The Wesley Arts Centre is a new venue to me. It is an intimate small hall with banked seating at the back. The PA Crew hired for the event did a fantastic professional job and the sound out front was apparantly superb throughout. On stage (from discussion after) we could have got a slightly better mix (espcially for Dave the drummer), but it was still pretty good

I will not spoil future shows by running through a complete set list, but suffice to say, most of my ten albums were represented by the 2 hour electric set.

The band were in great humour and really in the mood for it. Although there were some slight issues during the performance, they held it all together brilliantly.

My material features a wide balance of differing moods, instrumentation & light & shade, so the challenge LIVE, is to see how much of this transfers to that setting. In this case, I think the set running order and chosen material worked very well. We learned a few lessons and so will adjust in places for the PEEL show in June and the Cambridge Rock Fest appearance.

The audience were vocal and supportive and genuinely made us feel that we deserved our encore! As someone said to me last night (at the band meeting), all we have to do now is to learn to take that applause and praise without feeling embarrassment!

We worked bloody hard and we deserved it!

The band are working extremely well as a unit and we have all taken on aspects of its continued running activities. We want to play more gigs, we want to play to bigger audiences, but this takes time (Promoters please note!) but there is no doubt in my mind though that this new line-up is capable of great things.
Watch this space!

See you at the PEEL!!! (June 6th)



#2 2009-04-29 08:53:55

From: UK
Registered: 2008-06-05
Posts: 1904

Re: MANNING - the debut gig for the CRS

Sounds like it was a good start!

re the stage mix - take your own engineer next time wink



#3 2009-04-29 14:00:32

Registered: 2008-07-03
Posts: 111

Re: MANNING - the debut gig for the CRS

We have no one close to the band who can fulfil that role currently, sadly

Last edited by GuyM (2009-04-29 14:00:52)


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