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#1 2014-11-21 14:16:49

From: UK
Registered: 2008-06-05
Posts: 1904

New Beardfish album for 2015 ‘+4626-COMFORTZONE’

Swedish progressive rockers Beardfish have been hard at work on the follow-up to 2013’s ‘The Void’, and now they are pleased to reveal that their brand new eighth studio album, ‘+4626-COMFORTZONE’ will be released in North America on the 27th of January 2015.

The band had this to say about the new album: “The comfort zone is the invisible protective suit of negative thinking, almost like an entity of itself. It’s been with you since birth: your parents and your teachers and your friends and your neighbours all teaching you the way the world works – this is how it is and will be and there’s nothing you can do about it. The negative vibe is like a voice living inside of you, a companion through life. With time you start to like that voice and the place it takes you to: your comfort zone. I’m so sick and tired of it and I want to address it and maybe in that way start to work my way out of it”

The full track-listing for the album is as follows:

1.  The One Inside Part 1 – Noise In The Background
2.  Hold On
3.  Comfort Zone
4.  Can You See Me Now
5.  King
6.  The One Inside Part 2 – My Companion Throughout Life
7.  Daughter Whore
8.  Ode To The Rock ‘N’ Roller
9.  If We Must Be Apart (A Love Story Continued)
10.  The One Inside Part 3 – Relief

Look out for more information in the coming weeks!



#2 2015-02-27 14:34:07

The Deacon
Registered: 2015-02-27
Posts: 14

Re: New Beardfish album for 2015 ‘+4626-COMFORTZONE’

I have to say I am going to be circumspect about getting any new Beardfish releases in the future.
They are clearly pandering to a larger audience of metalproggers (even though the guitar isnt OVERLY metal.)

First half of "The Void" was clearly them going in a different direction.

The heart of Beardfish was Rikard's organ work. When they move into guitar-orientated cds, they are taking a risk of losing a portion of their fanbase - but likely this risk will pay off since seemingly  there is a new metalprog band born every frigging day of the week.

The new cd is much like the "Void" - the first half (or more exactly the first three sides of the 2lp set) holds little interest for me. But the remainder is the OLD eardfish I love. Specifically the 15 min. "Ode to RnRoller" track.

Also they are clearly pimping to the hoi polloi in that ,not only is the music getting more malevolent ,but so are the lyrics - nevermind that its TOO VERBOSE as well. The theme of this cd as outlined by Rikard himself is all about negativity and fighting the norm, fighting society trying to brand the youth. (Ho-hum juniorstuff.Done to death. )

And what's with the "King" track? The tune is clearly stolen note-for-note from somewhere else (although I cant pin it down - maybe Black Sabbath?)


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